
The beginning 본문

solo/My Daily Life

The beginning

JohnnyKoo 2013. 7. 31. 00:04

nothing has to be over

and we are here, to start over. 'The beginning', I thought about this word all day long while I was reading Genesis in Message versoin. Nothing is new, but some are fresh, and even new to me. Abraham, this guy, and Noah, this guy to me, they are all different. The way they look at God and the way God treat them.

It's the same as my daily life. My life has a lot of story. It begins and it ends, but when I look back, which one is the beginning and which one is the end? It's hard to say.

I love 500 days of Summer, the all time favorite movie. I watched this over and over and it never failed me.

"Tom was right"

God is in control and there is no such thing as coincidence, I believe that God provides so many chances and possibilities but never controls us like Robots because He RESPECTS us which means, He loves us.

So what am I saying here ? Do not get frustrated, and do not give up.

Go give it a try and do not get disappointed if it did not work out as you expected.

Surely I need a courage, a great courage. When I find someone, someone comes into my sight, it is not a coincidence. So here is my choice, whether I go figure out there is a meaning or not. Well, I guess I will go try then. I will be sensitive. When I walk with God, I know I'm sensitive to my sins and sensitive to all my relationships, friends, and colleagues.. etc.

Today, I trusted the Lord and I never looked back. I will look to him and I will look forward. 

Thanks Tom, Thanks Summer, Thanks Autum.

Thanks to you Summer's husband.

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